
Farmers deploying livestock guarding dogs (LGD) within the framework of the federal programme can become members. A membership is also possible for people who are professionally involved with such dogs. For LGD breeders within the federal programme a membership is compulsory. The annual fee is CHF 92.- for single members, CHF 122.- for couple members and CHF 82.- for passive members. The membership includes an annual subscription to the «Forum Kleinwiederkäuer», which regularly publishes news of our association.

Advantages of a membership are:

  • platform for exchange among LGD practitioners
  • training and further education offers on the topic of LGD
  • education as an LGD breeder
  • purchase of discounted dog food and deworming tablets
  • collective legal expenses insurance

To join LGD-CH, the membership application form must be filled in completely and sent to the head office (caroline.nienhuis(at) or Verein HSH-CH, Bergstrasse 162, 8032 Zurich).

The committee decides on the final admission at its following meeting.

Members can resign from the association at the end of the year by sending a withdrawal letter to the head office.

For further information please contact the head office (caroline.nienhuis(at)